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Mayan Nawals Quiz

Discover your unique energy

Are you the…

Jaguar & Ancestors

The Seed & Beginnings

The Feathered Serpent & Sun

Water & Wind


These Mayan Nawal’s correlate with your unique energy.

By taking this 60-second quiz, you will discover what comes natural to you and give you practical access to ancient wisdom.



What are the Mayan Nawales?


The Nawals have different energies, for example they may have the energy of a teacher, earth guardian, leader, healer, or prayer giver. Learning about what energy you naturally carry you will be able to combine your natural talents, and given personality, with the things you are passionate about to live out your life’s purpose. 


When we utilize these energies we stay balanced and live in harmony with our inner and outer world.


The Jaguar is a fierce protector

The Seed is pure potential

Wind is powerful and ever changing 

The Obsidian Knife cuts through to reveal truth

Sun is the divine one 

The Feathered Serpent has potent life force energy 


We carry all of these energies to various degrees, yet our true Nawal, the energy we are born with, guides us to know our true selves, strengths, and weaknesses. 

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